The Presence Of God

This week in Bible Study Fellowship, we studied Genesis 25. In verse 34, tells of Esau selling is birthright. Esau put no value on his birthright. His birthright gave him a double portion of everything. He sold it for a bowl of stew and bread.

Many of God’s Children, do not know the value of the Holy Spirit. God sent the Holy Spirit to guide us, give us peace, Inspire us, reveals the truth, regenerates, indwells, convicts us of truth, teaches scripture, and fills Christians and indwells Christians to bring the presences of God. God sent Him to His children as a promise that someday He will return in all His glory. Beloved, God’s spark lives within each of His children. As to how big that flame is within us depends on you. We can quench that flame.

We put up walls within us and quench the Holy Spirit. Take these walls down and let the Holy Spirit flood your soul. This world feeds the flesh. This world wants your heart to beat with it. It puts wrong desires in your heart. The Holy Spirit must cry when He sees these desires. They will put up walls. The Holy Spirit is with you in the shadows of your life. Thus, more walls. You can trust that God the Holy Spirit is within your soul no matter where you go.

We can have that spark become a flame that consumes us. When it does, we call it the presence of God. Fan that flame daily with praises, songs of worship and Psalms.

You have only one life in this world. You don’t have to beg the Holy Spirit to come to you. The Holy Spirit is already within you. This world can weigh you down. The Holy Spirit can comfort you. He can give you rest and peace. Do what you can to allow the Holy Spirit to rise up within you. There you will find love and peace. He will reveal things to you, regenerate, indwell, and convicts us of Truth. The Holy Spirit gives each of us Spiritual gifts and teaches scripture. Believers may lose the filling but not the indwelling. The Holy Spirit brings the presence of God.