The Wonders of God’s Word Going Forward

Beloved, has God ever given you a word to say and you kept that message to yourself. God will get the message to that person, but you missed the opportunity to share those words. Most of the time it is just a few words. I have missed opportunities too. I want to give some examples where God did bless His words going forward and allowed me to go with Him.

One morning I was listening to a radio shortwave station located in the north. The host said that they had a million listeners. God told me to call the station and give them a message. I wrote down what God wanted me to say. I wanted to make sure I said exactly what God wanted me to say because I was nervous. I think I had only been listening to this show only a few weeks, so I did not even know the feel of the show. I did not know how God’s word be received. The first caller was on the air. I dialed and thought I would not be able to get on the air. I forgot for a moment who told me to call. I got on immediately. I did the regular pleasantries. Then I said, “God told me to share something with your audience. May I?” He said, “Sure.” I said, “What if your blessings of tomorrow, depended on your thankfulness today.” That was it. I really did not think much about it after that. A few weeks after that time I stopped listening to the radio due to other things I needed to do.

Then about 20 years later, I was in a Bible class and my leader said, “Don’t you just love the saying, What if your blessings of tomorrow depended on your thankfulness today.” I was shocked. I had been thinking I must be missing something because I was not seeing God move for a time. You know one of the lies Satan uses to take joy. God brought to my mind, that He is in charge of His words. We just need to share them in truth and love.

Isaiah 55:11 So shall my word be which goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to me empty, without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it (NAS).

For about 12 years, I was in the tape ministry at our church. These were sermons from our pastor. He would do word studies, and go into the Greek and Hebrew in a message. I would send these messages out into the world. One missionary would give them to a bush pilot and he would drop them in the interior. Then he would spread the word to people that lived in the interior and did not leave the area.

Another example was with a lady missionary and the Lord lead me to ask her if she needed anything. It was after my father passed away and I wanted to tithe some of the money to ones spreading the word. I expected some need she might share. She did not ask anything for herself. She said they were having a Ladies Retreat and needed some money for that to add more ladies . I sent enough for 13 or 14 more ladies to attend. After the retreat, she sent me a letter saying that 12 of the extra ladies accepted Jesus. I was so thankful to the Lord that He allowed me to be a part of His word going forward.

I would love to hear examples of how all of you have shared God’s word. Fill up the comment section so we all can learn and be alerted to other ways to share God’s word. Are you teaching or something else? How about taking children to church and come up with a way to share God’s word with them. We can all learn from your experiences. God will bless every word you share.