Vigilant Watchmen

The female on the right of this picture was the guard of this herd of elk. She would let me take all the pictures I wanted if I stayed beyond a specific line she drew. Then she would chase me beyond her line. She reminded me of her line a number of times. The rest of the herd did not even stir. They had faith in her to keep them safe.

I Peter 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour;

I want to make note of the word, “vigilant.” Think of this word as a watchman guarding a wall against the approach of an enemy.

This thought should be included in your prayer time every morning. You should ask God to open your eyes and mind as to how Satan can harm you and your family. Or if you are on any committees at church, ask the Lord to protect those committees at church. You do not have to be so burdened down with these things, but your mind must be alerted to the schemes of the devil. Ask God to alert you and you can have peace walking through enemy territory that is seeking whom they may devour.