What matters the most to you? Do you give any thought throughout the day if God is pleased with what you have said or done? Was it your best? Did it bring glory to God?

Wherever you go, you are in His presence. As a Christian, He is within you. You may be quenching Him, but He is there. He is with you in every step you take. He hears every word you say.

So God is there within you. Don’t nurture any anger. He feels your anger. God (Matt. 5:5).

God knows your name. Call on Him to forgive and cleanse your heart. He is the one who can raise you up to do great things in serving Him.

Mark Twain once said, “The two most important days of your life is the day that you were born and the day you find out why.”

So what purpose did God make you for in this world?