What To Do Now

There seems to be an increase in severe weather, drought, flooding, and fires. Then we have problems with the transportation of goods and inflation. There is more to this list. As time moves to the last seven years of this time period, these things will become more frequent.

The Bible does say it will rain on the just and the unjust. But I believe that in these areas, there can be pockets of protection. To have these pockets, you want to have God’s attention before you need it. Back in the 90’s, the Lord told me, “What if your blessings of tomorrow, depended on your thankfulness today.” We are the Bride of Christ, so bend your knees and be thankful with every part of your spirit. Worship the Lord, for His love, made a way for us. Worship Him for all the promises he made to us. Worship Him for He is our King.