When In Severe Pain

A question was asked, “How do you know that God is with you during severe pain? Do you feel His presence?

This question caught me off guard. I have never thought about this event. I use the word “event” due to the lack of what to call it.

During a painful event, it is hard to feel anything except sometimes hopelessness when the pain keeps continuing. But even that feeling is consumed by the pain. But I know He is with me because I feel Him all other times before a painful event. Jesus says He will not forsake me (Hebrews 13:5B and 2 Corinthians 4:9). He will not leave me when I need Him most. God’s word and my faith carry me to the other side of a painful event.

I do not fully understand why God allows such things as physically painful events. But my faith and love for Jesus tell me He has a reason. So I trust Him in all things. We live in a world that groans because of sin (Romans 8:22). The Holy Spirit intercedes for me (Romans 8:26-28) with all being worked together for my good, and even prove to the angels (Ephesians 3:10). I am proving that I can love Jesus without seeing Him and through hardships. The angels do not have the Holy Spirit to help through such times of severe pain. How can one explain the Holy Spirit living inside a person? The angels can only see our reaction. May your and my reactions be pleasing to the Lord God Almighty.